Crodino is a non-alcoholic aperitif produced in Italy, launched on the market by the Società Anonima Terme di Crodo in 1964. 2020 marks an important milestone for the brand: Crodino will land in new geographies with its unmistakable unique taste and brand new positioning, look and pack. It will complete Campari Group aperitif portfolio in those geographies and establish its non-alcoholic aperitif market leadership position where already present.

Crodino’s international target needs to be introduced to this Italian non-alcoholic excellence in a witty way.
Crodino is unique and original. The Italian ritual of aperitivo par excellence: genuine, sparkling and stylish. The challenge was transmitting the unique heart of Crodino to a young and international target, that does not yet know it. The main difficulty lays in the fact that Crodino is a non-alcoholic product.
However, Crodino has a complexity such as to make it perfect even in contexts live the aperitivo, where alcohol is normally consumed. The request was to look for a more formal and modern tone, so as to give Crodino a different characterization from other soft drinks on the market.

All the contents, thanks to the navigation reminiscent of the Instagram scroll, appear in a simple way and are easily accessible. The art-direction aims to emphasize the human touch and to convey the carefree emotion of having an aperitif with some good friends. The main feeling to convey was wittiness: a unique Italian spirit in living social occasions with nonchalance and lightheartedness. Able to defuse the situation flipping the chart and disarmingly putting everybody at ease.